
Home, what is that? even, where is home? to me I don’t really know where home is or what it is, bouncing from Lincoln to Newcastle throughout the year I don’t really feel like just one place is home, multiple places are ‘home’ to me now. I feel at home in Lincoln because it gives me freedom and the feeling of being more adult whereas I feel at home in Newcastle/Northumberland because of the sense of the traditional home and family.

Home is becoming somewhere where I live and where all of my stuff and things reside.  for this project, I want to explore my items that sort of make me who I am and how they relate to the sense of home and what that means to me.

I am going to explore the use of coloured light and how that creates a different feeling to just plain white light. I think by introducing multiple coloured lights I can add a sense of myself into the images.

Home is explored through music and how home is to some artists seems to change from people in the song FOOLS  by Troye Sivan ;

I see swimming pools and living rooms and aeroplanes
I see a little house on the hill and children’s names
I see quiet nights poured over ice and Tanqueray
But everything is shattering and it’s my mistake.


These lyrics explore what he feels like when at home about a person that makes him feel at home.

For my exploration of home  felt the colours Light blue, orange , purple and green. these colours are ones that I feel characterise me as the Light blue can mean  peace, serenity, ethereal, spiritual, infinity, to me it means cold, quite sheltered, and closed.

Orange symbolises energy, vitality, cheer, excitement, adventure, warmth, and good health.

Purple : power, wealth. could also symbolise the gay community and is often associated with it.


Green is all about nature, but could also represent evil in comics and movies.

Through my research and presenting my work to Sian, I found James Turrell’s work which has the same sort of theme as what I am trying to achieve



With my work I wanted to achieve this sort of look so, I tried it.


The first Image is something that is on the back of my door. It’s a list that is reminding me to check for these things, even though I don’t need to use it anymore but it is more like a symbol of the list and how it is more of a home reminder.


I don’t really feel completely at home without my camera equipment. this is one of the older ones that I have which my dad found and thought of me. It’s from the 50/60’s and still works perfectly,  it reminds me of my home in Northumberland as my dad hid this camera in my room when I went home at Christmas after being told about it over the phone it is now a symbol of being at home. While the colours are presented in all of my images are explained above of what the colours mean.


Glasses. Can’t see without them.  this image really intrigued me in the way that I placed the two sets of glasses one in focus one out. I wanted the one out of focus to be more of a light disperser which has worked quite well and made the image more interesting. I feel that this image looks really commercial in the way I have played with light and depth. I wanted  to inject at least one image with me so I thought using sets of my glasses would be a good way to do that.


My favourite mug. I wanted more possessions to feature as I feel this is the best way I can represent home. the mug was given to me by my best friend for my birthday and sums me up to a tee. It goes with my nature so I decided that the colour should be bolder and  have some sort of harsh shadow behind it.



The table in my room I decided to dress up to be sort of an homage to my childhood blending into the most adult part of my life. It shows my possessions and how they are a part of what makes me, me. like the Character off of Pokemon and the Clapperboard which all blend into me, I chose that the daylight would be best for this image as it was very harsh so I close the curtain and chose which part of the shelf table it would go onto.


The last image is of cans of pop that I have been collecting and procrastinating putting in the bin, I wanted to backlight them to give this ominous feeling and make them seem more important than they actually are. now I liked how the cans look in this setting with the purple cast over them giving them a more alien feel also how the to streaks of light com out of the sides giving it the balanced look of the image.


All of these images connect with one another to give you a picture of me. If I had more than just 6 images I would be able to paint a bigger picture of me and what I am like as a person even though the Beyoncé mug says it all really.


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