Triptychs – Found

Triptychs are a fantastic way of presenting work, this takes the viewer on a journey with you the photographer. It can tell a story, or it can just be three images that have relation to one another. A definition I found on The National Gallery website defines a triptych as: “A triptych is a painting made up of three sections. Such constructions are usually made of two ‘wings’ or ‘shutters’ attached to either side of a central panel.

Sometimes the panels are hinged so that the wings can be closed to protect the major image painted in the middle.” (, 2016)

Triptychs were originally used for religious paintings or important paintings. The ‘wings’ on either side were meant to protect the middle painting and be decorative on each side so even when closed to still looked aesthetically pleasing.


In most houses today, you will see a triptych but not in the form of hinged paintings, you’ll see it as mirrors or photography. The latter being one image split into three sections and spread across a wall.

In my personal work outside of University I have experimented with this form before, I have done it with an image of my niece on her birthday with much success, the image was of my niece eating her birthday cake, I feel that this image helps to capture emotion and the feeling of a birthday when the child is young.

Em Tryptic



Sources:, (2016). Triptych | Glossary | The National Gallery, London. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Feb. 2016].

adjective: found
having been discovered by chance or unexpectedly.
(of an object or sound) collected in its natural state and presented in a new context as part of a work of art or piece of music.
“collages of found photos”
(of art) comprising or making use of found objects.



I really don’t know where to start with this brief, it seems to normal to just take pictures of rubbish found on the street, so a quick google search always helps me visualise what I could possibly do for this brief, I came across an article on The Guardian website  (

This article reflects on images sent in by the public on a certain brief for the month, this was really interesting as it showcases really interesting concepts and really sparked my creative flow.


I found this image particularly interesting as it was taken with a blackberry phone, which points out that you don’t need a crazy good camera system to take decent images, just an eye for photography. the image of the chair on the beach this reminded me of an image I shot last April back home for a college brief.Own Image warkworth


This image I took back home has the sofa cushion in the corner which is bad for the river and wildlife, I instantly made the connection between this image and the one above. Also thinking of the brief.

“I am always looking for interesting objects in odd places, I suppose it comes from being a photographer cooped-up in an office five days a week!” ( )


I feel the start if this quote really reflects what this brief is really about,  finding something interesting in the ordinary and taking the context.