Workshop Photos


During one of the workshops in early February when people were taking images of objects, I decided to capture the people of the class as well, I found that this worked sort of well as this was a good environment to capture emotions of the class more candidly and more ‘real’ I was using my own camera so it had my 50mm f/1.8 prime lens on, this lens does have a flaw as the focus is ever so slightly off all the time for some reason and has no image stabilisation so it is a pain to work with but can create an amazing image if used correctly because of the glass in the lens being static and no moving parts to it.


The images I have chosen from this shoot have been edited and I feel work quite well as a collective.

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Found in the University environment

During one of the workshops, we were tasked with going into the built environment around the university and taking images. I felt this exercise to be pretty easy as with having experience of shooting images. I felt at ease taking well compose images. The images I have included in this post are edited using camera raw and are some of my favourites. Also some of the colours in these images are rather startling as I decided to shoot them as such, creating a more muted colour and creating some interesting images.

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I felt this image above had a very Cartier-Bresson feel to it. Something about the way that it was composed and how it feels. when I was capturing this image I could hear the person going down the stairs and thought it would be a good opportunity to use golden ratio which works really well here, it was a very decisive moment to look at. the sun was coming in fro the right so the rails of the stairs are a little bit overexposed which couldn’t be helped as the rest of the image is correctly exposed. I did try to remove the highlight it created in camera raw, but this did not work so I just left it there.  Overall this image works.

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